بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Fatimah Academy: a platform where all muslimahs from around the globe can come together to learn the deen of Allah ﷻ and His Beloved Messenger ﷺ and earn their qurb and radha, in sha Allah.

Ustadha Binte Hashim has done her Bachelors in Business Administration from IoBM in 2014. She has worked briefly for some time in Consultancy Firms before starting her journey of Ilm. She has been associated with Zaynab Academy since 2012, doing various short courses/attending bayaans. In 2014, she was enrolled in Qur’an Program at Zaynab Academy and after a year within the same institution, switched for the greater pursuit of the prestigious Darse Nizami (Alimah Program) under the Wifaaq ul Madaris board. She graduated as an ‘Alimah in the year 2021.

At present, apart from Ilm, Ustadha is working at a renowned Islamic Cambridge School in Pakistan, teaching Islamiyat. She has a vision to expand her horizon, knowledge, skills, and expertise in every aspect, doing khidmah of the Deen and work to excel in both duniyah and akhirah.