بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Fatimah Academy: a platform where all muslimahs from around the globe can come together to learn the deen of Allah ﷻ and His Beloved Messenger ﷺ and earn their qurb and radha, in sha Allah.


A short course where we strive to understand the meanings of the magnificent names of Allah ﷻ and do a little effort on our behalves to get to know Him through His beautiful names.


Instructor: Ustadha ‘Alimah Umme Rashaan

Starting: January 3, 2023 ان‌ شاء الله

Schedule: Every Tuesday
8 PM, Lahore | 9 AM, Chicago
8:30 PM, New Delhi | 3 PM, London

Language of Instruction: Urdu
Course Duration: 3 to 4 Months
Class Duration: 1 Hour

*Classes will be conducted via Zoom.
*This course is for ladies only.

*There is no fee for the course.
*There will be no recordings available for this course, students are expected to attend the live classes.
*In case of any queries, please write to us at info